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    The bianconeri need a target immediately
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    The bianconeri need a target FIFA 19 Coins immediately to have even the slightest expectation of passing the turn. They find it using a lightning attack carried by the best, a ball recovered aggressively in midfield, depth and soft cross in the middle. Mandzukic doesn't wait high to throw it in with a precise header. The game began well but Real does not stop trying. It creates and places in difficulty the Juventus defense, Bale and Ronaldo will be the greatest threats. A goal will be enough to demolish any Juventus energy.

    The goal, however, is still Juventus to score it. Exactly the exact same Mario Mandzukic ST 83 sends in a few minutes from the conclusion of the initial half a great cross from the right. 2 to 0. At this point Juventus must consider it. At 60 takes the deserved draw. Always a cross in the core of the Real area awards an incursion of Matuidi CM 86 that broadcasts a mistake in taking Navas and scores 3 to 0. Incredibly and against all odds the result is right back in a tie, the Real is under three goal at home and Juve seems projected to finish an excellent comeback bringing home the qualification.

    The final minutes of the game are extremely delicate and it is then a crossover in the centre is at elevation Cristiano Ronaldo that intercepts the ball and directs him weakly within the Juventus small location. Vazquez approaches the ball that comes towards him, is a few meters away from the doorway, is touched by Benatia who pushes him to take out the ball. The referee is safe. Penalty, Buffon expelled for protests. Ronaldo comprehends the punishment which brings Madrid from the semifinals.

    The experts and the experts understood it and also the Giallorossi fans expected it with all their heart. The only possible result that could bring Rome into the Champions semifinals was a 3 to 0, savage and sharp. So it had been in an evening that brought the Capitoline team to the fore in the very crucial club-level championship in Europe.

    The initial half after just five minutes Edin Dzeko ST 88 rolls only enough to launch a deep hole along with FIFA Mobile Coins the goalkeeper of Barcelona. It is 1 to 0 and there are 85 minutes to play. Roma play a tactically perfect match seeking to prevent Barcelona from creating its match, ownership of ball and toxic passages to pit the opposing defense. At 55 minutes the next goal is always thanks to the Bosnian attacker.
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