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    Forenübersicht » Beschwerden » adidas Alphaedge 4D Release Two New Colorways

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    adidas Alphaedge 4D Release Two New Colorways
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    Adidas pioneered the use of 3D printing technology in the design of running shoes, which not only improved the sense of foot, but also greatly increased the value of the shoes. Recently, we have welcomed a number of new adidas Alphaedge 4D technology products! In front of the pair, the new color matching adidas ZX4000 4D is presented in black mesh, gray suede and white nubuck leather, and the body is decorated with adidas three-bar with thermosetting material.adidas Alphaedge 4D Bright orange tongue, embellished with green clover Logo, exposed sash line decoration, quite street texture. Another pair of adidas Alphaedge 4D, black and white, respectively. The Primeknit mesh material is combined with a thermoset material to create a very sharp upper profile. The iconic 3D print midsole makes the shoes feel full and full of technology.

    Nike retro sneakers Blazer ushered in a new theme color debut! Inspired by the splicing label Patchwork, the Nike Blazer Mid Patchwork is full of classic Nike Swoosh Logos. It's a retro atmosphere and brings unprecedented dazzling performance. It's definitely a rare little boutique in the near future! It has two versions, Mid and Low, which are available in black and white. They are now available worldwide.

    What other shoes are worth buying in addition to the Yeezy 350 in summer? The adidas Ultra Boost series is not only high in value, but also very comfortable. The classic adidas Ultra Boost 2.0 has just released a new eye-catching color scheme on the adidas.con domestic website. The adidas Ultra Boost 2.0 Asterisk upper features a woven upper in blue, orange and black with a pure black Boost midsole, white accents at the three-line and heel, eye-catching and highly recognizable. The configuration is still equipped with a full-boost Boost cushioning and a horse-riding outsole to ensure excellent comfort and grip, whether it is daily exercise or usual outing, it is very suitable!
    Beitrag vom 18.05.2019 - 14:20
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