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    Forenübersicht » Beschwerden » Konoha Ghost Market of Hokage

    FaiWu ist offline FaiWu  
    Konoha Ghost Market of Hokage
    8 Beiträge - Einmalposter
    d at the clouds with a playful smile nervously looking around, a drop of cold sweat gathered into a stream, dripping from the chin. Boom! A loud voice sounded on the other side of Yunren Village, the whole ground seemed to be shaken, and a thunderous roar came, "Rats!"! Come out and die! "It's Lord Thunder Shadow!" A crowd of cloud endure as if hit the chicken blood general, instant spirit,304 stainless steel wire , all people seriously patrol around, before the tension all disappeared. In their hearts, the appearance of Lord Lei Ying is a reassuring pill, no one can escape the sanctions of Lord Lei Ying! There are countless cremations flashing between the bitter collision! Flowing Cloud Back Chop! "Lei Dun, go!" Countless knife skills and thunder dun flashed in the darkness, Stainless Steel Decorative Sheet ,304 Stainless Steel Bar , Heavy flow explosion! "Konoha Gale!" "Bang!" With a loud noise, two bodies with huge impact collided, and the huge wind pressure stripped off a layer of land around them. That's an exaggeration! Is this a disaster movie? When Ouyang arrived at this place, he was blown out by the huge wind pressure. The trees around him were uprooted and fell everywhere. The land was covered with cracks and pits made by fists and feet. Ouyang a black line, blue is a battle maniac, thunder shadow is a battle maniac who is not inferior to blue! What happens when two combat maniacs meet? Have a good fight! "Boy, your body skills are good!" The thunder shadow with black skin and white hair said in a gruff voice, "Of course!"! I am Konoha's master of body art,304 Stainless Steel Wire , the blue beast! But you're not bad either, beard! Blue rubbed his nose, and his eyes were filled with the excitement of meeting his opponent! Ouyang covered his face. Blue has made the same mistake again. He won't stop until he has a good fight with his opponent.
    Beitrag vom 25.08.2022 - 03:37
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